( Reg.No. 389/93 )
Post Box No.5543, University P.O., Trivandrum-695034, Kerala, India. Email: kelpro1993@gmail.com


  • To advance knowledge in the theory and practice of Library and Information Science.
  • To promote and encourage academic and scholarly study, research and consultancy work in the fields of Library and Information Science.
  • To promote self-help, thrift and Co-operation among the members.
  • To organize Library seminars, Lectures, Workshops and other instructional activities for the professional development of the members.
  • To publish journals, books, monographs, newsletters on various specific areas of interest to library professionals for the professional development.
  • To provide appropriate recommendations and representations to the authorities concerned in order to protect the interest of Library Professionals and the profession.
  • To undertake project works with regarded to systematic organization of library collections so that employment may be given to the unemployed members.
  • To support the Library Movement in the state and to strengthen the Library and Information Services
  • To work for the development of the professional status of the Library community.
  • To compile various subject Bibliographies, Indexes, and other Documentation lists for the use of different information users.
  • To work collectively with the other professional associations with similar aims for common cause of the profession.

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